Why Companies are Leveraging Social Media

Social Media Customer Service.

This may be a common subject in our day. The use of social media has been assimilated so seamlessly in our everyday lives, we barely give it a second thought. Customers browsing social media has become second nature.

We had written an article on how to use social media as a tool for improvement. Read it here, if you haven’t already.

Social Media Customer Service

Why it works

There is barely (and an utter rarity) that a person would not be on social media. So much so that if a person were to not be – some of us would raise some social flags.

Companies have hired entire teams just to come up with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages. The thought of this is to help customers to find the answers that they are looking for quickly. However, not all of these “help” pages can be said to be efficient.

Social Media Customer Service : How Companies Are Helping Customers.

Many websites now have a small chat box for instant assistance/help for their customer. Companies realized that if nothing else, customers need help to locate the information they need. Even if it were to be in the FAQ pages.

Many companies leverage social media to do this as well, having teams dedicated to replying to customers on sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The fun part is replying to positive and random comments. The dangerous part is when there is no reply at all.

Why Companies are Leveraging Social Media

No Replies – A Dangerous Game

We are all busy at work and time sometimes doesn’t permit prompt replies to fans, potential customers and customers on multiple pages. However, a no reply would signal to customer a lack of care towards them, which is not good for branding.

Imagine how frustrated a person can get if an inquiry was not answered or even acknowledged. This would turn potential – would be customers – away.

Companies that can get a grasp on this, would leverage social media to their advantage and help customers through it as well.

Other Forms of Social Media Customer Service

Of course, online help is not only relevant for Social Media. But also to emails inquiries, comments on pages such as YouTube etc.

Need to know how your company’s Social Media Customer Service is doing? Contact us today